Our Bond Offer
Basic common terms
- Issue Price: 10,000 CZK per Bond
- Minimum Amount: 1 (one) Bond
- Final Date for Underwriting Bonds is 30 September 2023 (extension possible)
- Interest Rate: fixed at 9,4% per annum
- Final redemption date: 30 September 2023
- Day of entitlement to yield payment:
Yearly on 31 December in each year - Decisive day for repayment of nominal yield on 1 December in each year.
- ISIN: CZ0003540312
- Expected Issue Amount: 17 500 000 CZK
- Maximum Issue Amount: 17 500 000 CZK
- Bond Numbers: 751 – 2250
Complete issue terms for CASUCAPITAL – 1Y Bond in PDF (Czech only)
- Day of entitlement to yield payment:
Semiannually on 31 June and 31 December in each year - Decisive day for repayment of nominal yield on 15 June and 15 December in each year.
- ISIN: CZ0003540304
- Expected Issue Amount: 5 000 000 CZK
- Maximum Issue Amount: 5 000 000 CZK
- Bond Numbers: 1 – 500
Complete issue terms for CASUCAPITAL – 1/2Y Bond in PDF (Czech only)
- Day of entitlement to yield payment:
Quarterly on 1 March, 1 June, 1. September and 1 December - Decisive day for repayment of nominal yield on 20 February, 20 May, 20 August and 20 November in each year.
- ISIN: CZ0003540320
- Expected Issue Amount: 2 500 000 CZK
- Maximum Issue Amount: 2 500 000 CZK
- Bond Numbers: 501 – 750
Complete issue terms for CASUCAPITAL – 1Q Bond in PDF (Czech only)
Other common terms
- Issuer: CASU CAPITAL a.s., IČO: 091 19 311 (Na líše 726/27, Michle, 141 00 Praha 4)
- Issuer account number: 2199348002/5500
- Bond form: Securities to order
- Bond type: Physical security
- Issue price: 100% of nominal value of Bonds as of Issue Date
- Issue date: 2 May 2022
- Additional issue period: May be exercised
- Start of first yield period: 2 May 2022
- Early redemption day: As of yield redemption day
- Decisive date for repayment of nominal value: 21 September 2023
- Issue: Issue of exchangeable bonds issued according terms (see each bond)
- Administrator: Issuer
- Designated establishment: Kancelář CASU CAPITAL a.s. – Opletalova 39, 110 00 Praha 1
- Website: www.casucapital.cz
English translation of issue terms is for your convenience but only czech version (see PDFs on this page) is legally binding.